7 Key Points for an Instantly Engaging Landing Page

Your landing page has one very important job. It has to capture attention and convert visitors into customers. Your landing page won't succeed if it doesn't capture their attention or clearly communicate your offer.

The landing page should be instantly engaging, and communicate what solution you’re offering to the visitor’s problem. Your landing page won’t succeed if it doesn’t capture their attention or clearly communicate your offer.

You can create a great landing page by following some best practices. Check them out!

How to create an engaging landing page

1. Headline – Your headline is the first thing your reader sees on your landing page. It’s important to keep in mind that people’s attention spans are pretty short these days. The headline needs to align with the problem the reader is facing and make them want to read more.

2. Images and Videos – It’s a good idea to use images and video on your landing pageYou can use these to engage your reader and make them want to keep reading. You can present your offer in an easy-to-digest format with a video. As well as conveying more information than an image, it’s fun!

3. Content/Copy – The last thing you want to do is overwhelm your visitor with too much copy. Make sure your landing page copy flows succinctly, so your readers know what you’re offering. Write in a conversational tone and keep it easy to follow. Don’t forget to tell them they’re in the right place to get help!

Your landing page has one very important job. It has to capture attention and convert visitors into customers.

4. Design – Your landing page should look like the offer you’re making. Your landing page should have the same visual branding as your paid ad or page. Your goal here is to keep your visitor focused on your offer with a clean and simple design.

5. Optin forms – If you’re collecting sign-ups or promoting a freebie, make sure your forms are easy to use. You don’t want your visitor to feel that they need to do anything extra. Simple is best. Try not to clutter your form with too many fields.

6. Trust factor – Social proof is one of the most important things to include on your landing page. By showing real customer comments, your visitor can see that your company is capable of helping them. The more testimonials, reviews, and endorsements you have, the more trust you’ll build.

7. The CTA (Call To Action) – The CTA on your page should be clear and easy to understand. CTAs are what you want your reader to do, like sign up for a free guide or buy something. Make it easy for your visitor to take the next step.

I hope this post helps you understand the importance of a great landing page, its content and design to engage your readers and compel them to take action.

Lee-Anne is the owner of Proud Pup Media and this is her Cutest Canine Officer, Paige.

Contact Lee-Anne

If you need help creating a landing page that converts website visitors into potential paying customers, I’m here to help.

Just schedule a call for a FREE 15 minute consultation.

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