I’m so glad you’re here. Truly, I am. Welcome to the blog!
It’s been a long time coming but I don’t mean for you to be here, I mean for me. I’ve been working on this business idea for a long time. So sit back, grab a cuppa somethin’ and enjoy the read. It’s not that long, there’s just a bit of a story I hope you’ll enjoy.
A Bit of Herstory
You may already know this but I’ve been writing a blog since shortly after the birth of my son, back in 2011. Being a mom blogger was all the rage in Vancouver BC, so I jumped in with both feet. And it was amazing!
I experienced life-changing and incredible adventures that I’d never done on my own. I went sturgeon fishing and bobsledding, trekking through the mountains with the lovely people from Mountain Trek, a health retreat in Nelson, BC, flew in a helicopter over vineyards in Langley and have attended lavish dinners and wine pairings and more events that I can even remember. So fun!
I chronicled said adventures on momparadigm.com which had been recognized as one of the top mom blogs in the city. It enabled me to write for a few well-known publications and won a few other accolades as well. But that was just the icing on the cake.
The best part was I unleashed the writer in me that didn’t write. As I worked that blog it proved to be a cathartic yet mind-bending process. After all, I was a 40-something fiercely independant woman taking a sharp and forever u-turn in my life to have a baby. A baby!
Thankfully I turned out a decent and loving kid, learned a ton about myself and reignited a passion for writing and web design and development technologies that kept the geek in me happy and content.
Back in 1997
Do you remember way back in 1997 when Microsoft Frontpage was THE web page builder? I was all over it, building my dream on the web for a wellness magazine but was frustrated by the limitations of that technology. I wasn’t a computer geek back then, but man, how I wish I was. I would have killed it.
Fast forward to today and there are more intuitive and easy ways to build gorgeous websites. With nearly 50% of all websites powered by WordPress we are confident it is the best platform to build your site and your business.
What You’ll Find Here On The Blog
Now that you know a little of the background and inspiration behind the vision here at Proud Pup Media, I do hope you’ll stick around and come back often. I’ll be rounding up all the skills with blogging and building behind the scenes with WordPress.
And if that wasn’t enough. I’d like you to meet someone.
Introducing Paige. Our Mascot!

No Treats Needed
We’ve recently brought another sweet little being into our home. Paige, a 3-month-old Australian Labradoodle, is a bundle of calm, affectionate energy and is as smart as all get out.
So, you’ll be seeing a lot of her here. She is our official mascot and the inspiration behind our name. I’m inspired by her smarts and her charm and she’s already rocking sit and stay and so much more.
So check out this blog often as it will be a place to share information and tips for your WordPress site and to share #PaigeUpdates. And if you need fresh eyes on your dream web project…WOOF! (That’s Paige-speak for, ‘we’re here for you!’)
No treats needed.
About Proud Pup Media
We are an independant creative agency in your neighbourhood. We’re friendly, fun to work with and want to make a difference by sharing what we know and giving back, too.
Do you need someone to help you design and develop, write, edit and/or management your site or revamp your current one? Let us know!
One more thing…subscribe to our newsletter today and stay informed!