#AloneTogether: We’ve Got This!


Hi! How are you holding up?

It’s been a tough few weeks, hasn’t it? As we adjust to the changing requirements put upon us during the Covid-19 crisis, to distance ourselves from friends, families and keep our jobs and a roof over our heads, to shop or not to shop for groceries even, we need to remember that we are in this together. We need to save those most vulnerable and our health care system by staying home. As we navigate these uncharted and frankly, freakin’ scary waters, a lot of feelings are bound to come up. But I’m not saying anything you don’t already know. Many of those feeling have already reared their lovely heads!

Oh the feelings! They can be overwhelming. Anger. Grief. Loss. Sadness. Hopelessness. Anxiety. We are living one day to the next, grappling with a lack of purpose or direction for the next few months. It’s easy to imagine the worst case scenario if you watch the news, and difficult to see what’s on the other side of the curve.

Through the Sunroof

Being cooped up in close quarters for too long is bound to bring about all these feelings and it’s not something I handle very well either. After a rather challenging morning I took the dog for a walk in the neighbourhood and although I only saw a handful of people, doing their best to physically distance themselves, it didn’t ease the anxious feelings bubbling up. I went home to grab the car and took a short drive to a sunny spot along the river where I could feel the warmth of the sun’s rays through the sunroof. I allowed myself to give in to the feelings that have been building up with increased intensity, and after a while I tuned into a podcast that was helpful to calm me the f*** down.

It Takes a Village AKA We’ve Got This!

In the midst of the coronavirus crisis it is a given we’ll face challenges with our own mental health and that of others, the repercussions of which will linger well after we’re able to resume a sense of normalcy. And while I get that it’s important to feel all the feelings, it is equally important to take this opportunity to get back in touch with ourselves, to let go a little more. To dream. To plan. You and me and everyone…we’ve got this! #AloneTogether

One Minute of Bliss

So please, if I may ask, take a minute to experience letting go a little more. Breathe through your feelings, then gently let them go. As you breathe you’ll notice the intensity of the feelings will ease, and a calmness will take over. And if you need a visual to help you get through it, this breathing triangle is an important tool.

YouTube video
Breathe in…….Breathe out……

You are amazing in your resiliency and in your power to overcome the challenge of this crisis. If it feels too overwhelming please don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Helpful Links from Canada.ca

Crisis help links

Kids Help Phone

Hope for Wellness Help Line


In health,


As a business, here’s how we’re responding to the Covid-19 coronavirus crisis.

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